Membership in the Oregon Chapter
Our Chapter meets for a long weekend at an RV Park somewhere in Western Oregon monthly from March to October. We explore the area with suggestions from our event host, often a local member. There are always more things to do than we have time for, and sometimes weather can play a role in our choices. A warm welcome will be there, and new friends and old, just around the next corner.
To become a member of the Oregon Chapter of RVW you must first be a member of RVing Women. Current dues for RVing Women and how to join, can be found on their website. Please visit:
Once you pay your RVing Women membership dues and sign up on their website, you can join our chapter. There is a $5 (each) new member processing fee and the dues for the Oregon Chapter are $10 per person per year. Our membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. Download an Oregon RVW Member form here.
If you have questions about RVW or the Oregon chapter, please send an email message to our new member liaison, Sandy Brown. She will be happy to answer any questions you might have about RVW, our chapter or our local activities.
Please put "Oregon RVW" in your subject line.
Non-members are allowed to attend two Oregon RVW scheduled events as a guest. After this you must become a member of RVW and ORVW to continue attending our rallies.