ORVW Event Host Information
If you are a new host, contact any of the officers for help you might need.
I. Prior to the Event
- The ORVW Secretary will contact the RV Park to confirm the participants and all the information required by the Park.
- At the same time, she will provide you with the following:

1. The number of participants.

2. The name and location of the Park is here on the website.

3. Information to assist you in contacting the Park for details about the facilities and rules 
and regulations that may affect activities you have planned is also here on the website.

4. Information about being reimbursed for expenses incurred by you.
(currently this is $125 per event with receipts).
- Develop a Rally Agenda and submit it to the Secretary preferably three weeks before the event. She, in turn, will send it out to the participants. This agenda should include the following:

1. Directions to the RV park.

2. The days, dates, times and places of all the activities you have planned. (see the attached list of ideas for activities).
II. During the Event
- The Secretary can let you know who has the box of chapter supplies (cups, coffee, plates, napkins, etc.). If you find you need to buy coffee or other supplies, keep these receipts separate from the other rally supplies you buy. You will be reimbursed for these from a separate fund for bin supplies.
- You may wish to have packets of information for each rig, or have copies available to attendees at the Friday night potluck. These packets might include: a list of all participants, (supplied by the Secretary), a rally agenda, information about local attractions, sites and activities (when appropriate). For a list of suggestions, click here.
- Be available to greet participants as they arrive on Friday.
- Organize the use of all facilities - keys for doors, kitchen for cooking, tables for meetings and meals, campfires, etc.
- Help organize transportation to activities outside the RV park.
- Be the group representative to the RV Park when concerns arise.
- Lead or appoint someone to lead or assist in activities, scheduled events and clean up. (Don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP). You are responsible for making sure that all areas used during our stay are cleaned according to the expectations of the Park.
III. After the Event
- Get any receipts for expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Email a Rally write up to June Willoughby who will forward to RVW for the magazine and to the webmaster for Chapter News on this website.